Grant Applications

Cold Noses Foundation receives many requests for aid. While we wish we could help everyone, we have a commitment to our donors to stay within the scope of our mission so that we invest our funds effectively. Therefore, CNF will only provide funding for programs that fall into one of the following categories: Domestic Pets, Wildlife, and Farm Animals. CNF does not grant funds to individuals and does not accept grant requests outside of our grant application cycle.
Our Grants
Cold Noses favors proposals that are in locations of the world where animal welfare is at a critical or urgent need of help and that also reach out to the local community.
We’re also looking for proposals that are fiscally sound and logical, have measurable outcomes, reach multiple animals and have sustainable characteristics
Grant Guidelines
All organizations receiving a grant from Cold Noses Foundation must qualify according to our grant guidelines. Interested applicants should do the following:
- Read the guidelines below and be certain you are eligible.
- Applications sent outside of the solicitation period will not be considered.
- Read the Grant FAQ for tips on a successful grant application from Cold Noses Foundation.
Our Purpose
The Cold Noses Foundation Inc. Grant program is for the purpose of helping organizations fund special projects relating to humane treatment of animals, finding homes and non-lethal alternatives to euthanasia, veterinary care for needy families or organizations, and humane education. Cold Noses Foundation will grant funds on a case by case basis, to any organization that qualifies that is enhancing the lives of homeless and neglected animals that has an income of $200,000 or less in the last fiscal year. Applications will undergo review, and possibly an on-location or teleconference interview by one or more Cold Noses Foundation board members to establish proper outlined use of funds.
Eligible organizations seeking grants from Cold Noses Foundation should be prepared to track and report expected and actual expenses with proper receipt documentation submitted online in the report form. This report should track all monies funded to the organization and if found that funds were not appropriately distributed, the foundation will report the offending organization to the necessary government agencies for fraud. A report of project outcomes must be made available to all contributors. If accepting granted funds from Cold Noses Foundation, the receiving organization promises to uphold the highest standards of business conduct in its relationship to the public.
By accepting funds from Cold Noses Foundation, the receiving party acknowledges that board members of Cold Noses Foundation reserve the right to inspect accounting reports related to the grant or the organization in general, as well as to physically witness the actual use of the funds. Cold Noses Foundation will require a copy of the last calendar years’ financial data such as but not limited to; a profit and loss report, a balance sheet and a statement of cash flows. This is to determine whether your organization has, in the opinion of the board of directors of Cold Noses Foundation, used its funds productively and responsibly.
Any attempts to use the granted funds for purposes other than those for which it was intended will result in such organization being reported to the proper governing agencies by Cold Noses Foundation, Inc.
Upon granting of funds, Cold Noses Foundation will outline in writing the acceptable uses of the fund and will use this document as a checklist when observing and inspecting recipients. Any applicants who have been previously granted funds from Cold Noses Foundation will undergo financial review if more than one year has passed since the last grant. To comply with U.S law, Cold noses Foundation will check that the names of persons with whom we are directly dealing are not on the OFAC (Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control) list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons. The penalties for providing a grant to a group or individual on this list can range from the foundation having its assets frozen, to losing non-profit status, to criminal penalties.
Any organization granted funds that does not adhere to these guidelines illustrated above will be required to pay back in full, the funds granted by the Cold Noses Foundation.
- Individuals
- Private Charity or Foundation
- Organizations reporting an income over $200,000 USD in the last fiscal year. In Kind gifts not included.
- U.S Organizations not exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and not eligible for tax deductible support
- Religious Causes or organizations
- Political Causes, Candidates, Campaigns or organizations
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, color, citizenship, disability, disabled veteran status, gender, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, Military service or status or Vietnam- era veteran status.
- Organizations whose primary purpose is to influence legislation
- Any foreign or domestic organizations previously found by Cold Noses Foundation to not adequately or truthfully use previously funded grant monies for the purpose intended.
- Any organization found to contain members on the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons. (SDN’s)
- Any domestic organization found to be serving as an agent for or a channel to a foreign charitable organization.
- Any organization found to be connected with or to be organized in the following four locations: Cuba, Iran, Sudan or Syria.
How to Apply
Applications will only be considered when a completed application is received. All applicants must fill out the Grant Application from our website. All applicants will be viewed to be sure they meet the eligibility standards set forth above. In some cases, funds less than the proposed amounts are awarded to recipients and are based on the board of director’s decision to best apply our funds.
Please Note: Grants will NOT be accepted if submitted outside the solicitation period or outside of the proposal request topic.
Grants Applications should be submitted during the following solicitation periods:
Medical Care/Supplies: Use this application for projects that deal with medical care, supplies and/or community outreach. Projects that pull high risk animals in kill shelters will be favored. NO Spay/Neuter proposals will be considered for this application.
Spay and Neuter: Those applications that deal with spay and neuter and/or TNR will be considered for further review. This application is purposely left broad as any project consisting of spay and neuter in any environment or situation will be considered as long as it is in the correct quarter in regards to the geographic location.
Grant Platform Solicitation Periods
Due to the increase in grant applications we have adopted a new schedule for submissions periods. Please do NOT apply outside of your designated quarter. Applications will be denied immediately if not in the correct quarter. Determine your appropriate quarter by the population you are directly serving. You may be based in one geographic location but applying to help animals in another. The area in which the animals are located and the project is being held determines your geographic location. (for example, you may be registered in Texas but only provide medical for animals in Mexico, so you should apply for Central and S. America quarter).
We also now offer Spay and Neuter and Medical during each Quarter. Applicants can apply for both but will need to submit a separate application for each project.
We feel this process allows us to more fairly judge applications for efficiency and need. If you have any questions please contact us.
1st Quarter
Australia, Europe
Opens January 1st Closes January 31st. Applicants will be notified no later than February 28th.
2nd Quarter
Central America, South America
Opens April 1st Closes April 30th. Applicants will be notified no later than May 31st.
3rd Quarter
North America and Territories
Opens July 1st Closes July 31st. Applicants will be notified no later than August 31st.
4th Quarter
Africa, Asia
Opens October 1st Closes October 31st. Applicants will be notified no later than November 30th.