Domestic Animals
Providing funding for medical programs to make veterinary care attainable for all animals.
Millions of dogs and cats enter animal shelters every year in the US alone. Countless others roam the streets, beaches and remote areas looking for safety. Sadly, many never know the comfort of a gentle touch or a full belly. Many suffer from illness and disease. This does not need to happen. Humans have created this crisis. It is, therefore, our responsibility to care for animals and decrease the needless suffering.
Cold Noses fights for animals by funding LIFE SAVING projects; from Spay and Neuter clinics, trap/neuter/release programs, to vital veterinary supplies and funding to pull animals off of kill lists at high kill shelters, we work with rescues all over the world to save lives.

Spay/Neuter & Medical Care
Recognizing the long term impact Spay and Neuter programs have, Cold Noses continues to provide funding for spay and neuter programs both in the United States and abroad.Our grant application is open only when we are actively searching for new partnerships. Watch for announcements on our social media and website as opportunities arise.
View Projects We Have Funded
Smaller rescues often rely on larger organizations or outside resources for common needs, resulting in costly bills and making some protocols and procedures simply too cost prohibitive . Cold Noses often funds the purchase of medical supplies and equipment to allow these rescues to perform life saving functions and procedures.
Animals in high- risk situations are often victims of circumstance. Many times, these animals are able to be saved and rehabilitated and, when given the opportunity, live full, happy lives. Cold Noses believes it is crucial to help animals who are at risk of unnecessary suffering or even euthanasia.